Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 15

Spent all day today taking notes on the tablet. It is easier than I thought but may get easier as I get beyer at the swype keyboard. I am trying to figure out how long to keep the tablet awake before it goes to sleep. I seem to take notes about every 5 minutes, but thday kills the battery, which is actually pretty crummy for how much this cost. Hi have to charge it every other day. It does charge really quickly if it's plugged into the wall, thankfully. I was running out of power by midafternoon and wanted to use the tablet later thday night to take out to dinner (to test the gps function!). I ran up to my room and charged it for about 15 minutes- I also turned it off first- and when I turned it back on, I had 40% battery power instead of 15. Maybe it is a small battery.

Only a few people asked me about the tablet at the meeting today, and only my former coworker w. took me up on the offer to try it out. he did start playing A ngry Birds immediately, which was great.

the swype keyboard also got stuck inexplicably on all caps today. luckily I was writing my presentation so it doesn't matter that I randomly got All Formal While Discussing Library Stuff, but I hope no one sees my notes.

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