Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 1

My work bought me a Galaxy tablet and it arrived today. This blog will chronicle the first 30 days of using the tablet for work, fun, and whatever else I can come up with.

The Galaxy has 3G data, phone, and wifi; however, I do not have a phone or data plan, so I am using it on wifi only.

On first look, it would be too giant to hold up to your head as a phone. It's about the size of 2.5 iPod Touches or iPhones, or a little less than half the size of an iPad.

My coworkers showed me how to unlock the screen and then it was the end of the work day. I went home with the new toy and started taking photos just to use the camera. I put the tablet back in the box (I don't have a sleeve yet, so it is being stored in the factory box) and when I picked it up after dinner, it had a "under construction" logo and the statement, "Downloading! Do not turn off target!" I hadn't downloaded anything-- the wifi wasn't even on-- so I went onto Google to see what the heck was wrong with it. I found a lot of scary info about people having this issue with their phones, "reformatting the hard drive," losing all your data; luckily, I also found how to restart when everything is unresponsive-- press down both volume buttons and the power button until the screen goes dark. I did this and it powered back up, and seemed totally normal.

After the "breaking it within 10 minutes of getting home, and then miraculously fixing it" I left it alone for the rest of the night.

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