I just had to use a calendar to figure out the day for the title! In my defense, I have had a pretty wicked past 3 weeks, with family visits, conference, and now a wicked cold (I am writing this with a 100 degree fever, so forgive typos).
A quick rundown of what I have done anf noticed with the tablet:
-it seems to have become less responsive to touch. I have to tap two our three times to make an app go our to get a link to open. I can't tell if this is an actual thing, like maybe I downloaded a bad app which is slowing the while thing down, or if it is just my expectations changing!
- battery life is really variable. Sometimes it lasts 20 hours of intense work, other times it lasts 4 hours when all I am doing is reading ebooks.
- I did a lot of ebook reading and agree with what another librarian said: I don't seem to remember the ebooks I read as much as the physical books. Yet my brain doesn't work this way when reading other screen things: I can remember short stories and webpages I read. Very strange.